Duhok Polytechnic University

Aree Abdulqader Strives to Take Duhok Polytechnic University ‘to a Global Level’

Aree Abdulqader, since August 2021, is the new president of Duhok Polytechnic University. Her priorities include building the staff, supporting refugee education efforts, and improving graduates’ job prospects. Al Fanar Media, UNIMED’s media partner, in collaboration with UNIMED has interviewed Prof. Aree Abdulqader, new President of the Duhok Polytechnic University (Iraqi Kurdistan Region). The full interview is […]
START CUP COMPETITION: the 5° Edition’s winner is the team from Misurata University

It is a Libyan team the winner of the 5° Edition of the Start Cup Competition held in Istanbul on October 22nd, 2024 hosted by the Istanbul Aydin University. The Start up SANAA has reached the highest score of the jury. SANAA aims to offer a solution to women unemployment in Libya and to valorise […]
The future of Kurdish Higher Education Institutions: strategic planning, quality assurance, and the university social role for sustainable development

The APPRAIS Partners met in Duhok on 20-21 June 2023 to advance in the project implementation. The Fourth Partnership meeting hosted by the University of Duhok was crucial to set the basis for the sustainability of APPRAIS beyond its lifetime. Many results have been achieved by the partnership and Kurdish universities have been always very active and well engaged in the activities, […]
Cooperation with Iraqi Universities. The First Lady of the Republic of Iraq, Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed, visits the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, UNIMED member

Rome, June 12th 2023 The First Lady of the Republic of Iraq, Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed, wife of President Abdul Latif Rashid visited the Headquarters of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in Rome, member of UNIMED. During the meeting, Professor Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the University, presented to the First Lady the academic activities of […]
The University of Pisa welcomed Kurdish Universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to explore possible collaborations between HEIs, local authorities and stakeholders
On March 15-16-17, 2022, the University of Pisa welcomed representatives from European HEIs, from 8 Kurdish Universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan region of Iraq for a three-days of work in the framework of the APPRAIS project. On March 16th the University of Pisa hosted a public conference titled “Priorities […]
Venice International Film Festival: the winning films of the UNIMED Award 2023

During the 80th edition of the Venice International Film Festival, an international jury, composed of 19 students from universities in the Euro-Mediterranean region and associated with UNIMED, awarded two important prizes made by recognised artists. The first prize was awarded to the best film in the official competition, while the second prize was awarded to […]
UNIMED met the Kurdish associated universities

On June 22, 2023, UNIMED met the associated universities from the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The meeting was hosted by Duhok Polytechnic University (DPU) in Duhok, Kurdistan, and saw the participation of all the Kurdish associated universities: Duhok Polytechnic University, Sulaymania Polytechnic University, University of Duhok, University of Garmian, University of Zakho*. Moreover, the Ministry […]
Governance, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform Process in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The project APPRAIS has been launched
On 8-9-10 March 2021, the staff from 8 Kurdish Universities (Salahaddin University, University of Sulaimani, University of Duhok, Halabja University, Duhok Polytechnic University, University of Garmian, University of Zakho, Charmo University), together with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan region and the colleagues of 4 Universities in Europe (University of […]
UNIMED starts a new cooperation project on governance, strategic planning and Bologna process implementation with the Universities of the Kurdistan region of Iraq
We are ready to kick-off the year 2021 with a new cooperation project tackling Higher Education governance and strategic planning in the Northern region of Iraq. The project APPRAIS, governAnce, quality, accountability: a Piloting Reform PRrocess in kurdistAn regIon of Iraq, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union under the Capacity Building key action 2, has […]