UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union is a network of Higher Education and Research Institutions, active in promoting academic cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region and in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Middle East and in Western Balkans.
UNIMED is a permanent stakeholder of the European Commission and the Union for the Mediterranean
From November 2024, UNIMED is an Observer for the Dialogue 5+5, the Western Mediterranean Forum on Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
We strive to be a dynamic network that combines the resources of its members in mutual support, so as to benefit our communities on a local, national, regional, and global scale.
Our mission is to facilitate international academic and research cooperation in order to enhance the scientific, cultural, social, and economic development of the region.
Founded in 1991, in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the network has grown over the years counting today more than 150 members coming from all over the Mediterranean Region and beyond. Through the many initiatives carried out over 30 years, UNIMED has promoted the collaboration between universities of the Mediterranean becoming a point of reference of the international university cooperation.
UNIMED works on several topics as many as the Universities and regional priorities are. It carries on projects in different fields, ranging from governance issues at the University level to integration of refugees, as well as sustainable development, digitalisation, employability and intercultural dialogue promoting mobility in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.
Besides, it keeps a strong dialogue with Academic experts in the framework of its thematic SubNetworks and with its institutional partners. All its activities aim at contributing to the scientific, cultural, social and economic cooperation.
UNIMED has the nature of a not-for-profit association and shall be governed by the rules of the Italian State and, in particular, Articles 14 et seq. of the Civil Code, the provisions of its memorandum of association and this Statute.
Prof. Franco Rizzi (Avetrana, 1944 – Rome, 2017), professor of Contemporary History at the University of Roma Tre and founder of UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, dedicated his life to research, to studying, to books and to the dialogue among universities in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Passionate about the Mediterranean region and author of numerous scientific contributions and novels, he founded UNIMED in 1991, a network that would bring together the universities of the Mediterranean countries in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a monumental change that would have repercussions not only in Europe but also in the countries of the southern shore.
Founded in 1991, UNIMED counts today more than 100 members coming from all over the Mediterranean Region and beyond.
In order to promote the quality of the activities carried out by UNIMED and a positive atmosphere of collaboration, a Code of Ethics is adopted. It presents the principles guiding the behaviors of UNIMED members, staff and partners in compliance with the current legislation and UNIMED values.
The aim of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of UNIMED is to ensure equal opportunities for everyone involved in the organization’s activities, including both the internal staff and formal representatives (such as the Board of Directors) and all the academics, researchers, administrative staff, experts, practitioners and stakeholders which take part to the actions and initiatives of the network.
UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union is a not-for-profit association with its headquarters in Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244, Italy