January 3, 2023

Deepening, widening, focusing: How to navigate transnational university cooperation into the future? UNIMED contribution to the event organised by EUA


Last December 12th, 2022 UNIMED Director, Marcello Scalisi, participated into the event Deepening, widening, focusing: How to navigate transnational university cooperation into the future? organised by EUA – the European University Association and focusing on the transnational university cooperation.

University representatives, higher education and research stakeholders and European level policy makers discussed to inspire a reflection about the future of the university cooperation taking account of current challenges and external developments. Over the past decade, the emergence of strategic partnerships and alliances has contributed to deepening cooperation while expanding it to new partners. In parallel, diverse forms of cooperation exist across bilateral student mobility, joint programmes, peer to peer research collaboration, small to large scale cooperation projects and much more.

UNIMED Director participated in the Panel 2 – Future prospects and international outlook and if you have missed it, you can find here the recording.

All the recorded sessions are available here