SAFE is a three-year project co-funded by the European Union that brings together seven partners from France and Italy (Croix Rouge Française, Croce Rossa Italiana, Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche in Italia, Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante, Forum réfugiés, Oxfam Italia, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union), implementing complementary pathways programmes such as humanitarian corridors, university corridors or family reunification.
The project aims to foster the collaboration between stakeholders at a transnational level to develop and improve access to international protection through complementary pathways and private sponsorship schemes (PSS).
The final SAFE event will take place on Tuesday, November 21st in the Radisson Hotel Grand Place, 47 Rue du Fossé aux Loups, 1000 Bruxelles, from 1p.m. to 7p.m., and aims to present the activities implemented and the main deliverables produced during the project.
The event will draw on the experience of SAFE’s partners on university corridors, humanitarian corridors, and extended family reunification to discuss among practitioners innovative practices and possible ways forward in responding to protection needs through such programmes.
On this occasion, SAFE capacity-building tools such as the collaborative database, the interactive map and the collaborative forum will be presented.
To register for the event, follow this link.
Please, visit the SAFE website, and for further information on the project, contact: or
SAFE is co-financed by the European Union Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund under ID: 957858 – SAFE – AMIF-2019-AG-CALL
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels!