Next November 20 and 21, the University of Bologna will host an hybrid event organised in the framework of the EUPassworld project.
Starting from the experience of the Italian University Corridors for Refugees (UNICORE) project which, in the last three years, has provided free access to a wide range of courses for hundreds of students with a refugee background, the event will explore how the leadership of European universities can help expand the initiative and build new brigdes for refugees students and scholars.
Thus, the objectives of the event are to:
- Learn and discuss the current implementation of existing “university corridors” programs in Europe and beyond;
- Understand what and how legal and social drivers and barriers are currently impacting the implementation of this durable solution.
- Focus on the legal status main issues of foreign students and scholars who access university courses and study services;
- Explore opportunities for the engagement of private sector after the graduation, building also upon the lessons learned from universities experience.
UNIMED Director, Marcello Scalisi, will contribute to the agenda on the second day in the Panel titled “How to make university corridors a durable solution of education pathways in Europe?”
The AGENDA of the event is available here.
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