July 5, 2015

Med-Spring project: Training for Mediterranean NCPs on H2020


From the 9th to 11th December 2013, the MED-SPRING project organises in Amman (Jordan), a three-day training activity (21 hours) hosted byHCST, in collaboration with DLR, UNIMED and CIHEAM-IAMB called “Training on H2020 for Mediterranean NCPs”

With the idea of carrying out a “Training for Trainers”, the event aims at providing Mediterranean-NCPs with fresh knowledge and insight of H2020, which would help them to organize training and coaching of local researchers and professionals in their own Countries and get them acquainted with the structure of H2020.

The objective and content of the Course is the knowledge and insight of the new upcoming European Programme H2020, with the aim of supporting NCPs organizing national training events on this subject and disseminate H2020 to local researchers and professionals. 

The participants will be scientists and administrative officers from the following countries:
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia.

The training programme has a regional dimension and it is based on the concept of training for trainers to multiply its effect and impact. It has been prepared taking into account the results of a training needs analysis conducted by MEDSPRING during the period July -September 2013 and targeting the NCP and the wide community of researchers and academics in the Euro-Mediterranean countries. 

Lectures and exercises with international experienced tutors are scheduled. Attendance certificate will be provided by CIHEAM to participants.
The speakers come from EC–DG Research, UNIMED (Italy), CNR (Italy), CIHEAM-Bari (Italy), DLR (Germany), TUBITAK (Turkey), INCONTACT project (Greece), University of Granada (Spain) and Heliopolis University (Egypt). 

The training tutor is Chiara Morini, CIHEAM-Bari (email: c.morini@iamb.it ; phone: +39 080 4606245).

Please check the training programme
of the event for more information.

(Retrieved from Med-Spring )