July 21, 2022

MIGRANTS’ first Summer School in Granada: follow the sessions online!

summer school
The first Summer School of the MIGRANTS project has started today in Granada at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology and will conclude on Thursday 21st.
The summer school in Migration Studies, Connecting shores, crossing boundaries. Current trends on migration research and methodological challenges is intended to take into account the needs of scientific skills required to university professors.
After the morning session in which the project’ partners Serena Marcenò, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Samira Mechri, University of Tunis El Manar, Habib Ben Boubaker, University of La Manouba and Khaled Kchir, University of Tunis took part to a Roundtable, in the afternoon participants discussed about the Economic impacts of International Migration on host countries: Perceptions, Theory, and Empirical Evidence with Samir Abdelhafidh, Professor of Economics, University of Tunis El Manar Migration in Historical.
The second session has been conducted by Anis Ben Ali, Professor of History at the University of Tunis that talked about the Migration in Historical Perspective: The Migration of Spanish Republicans to Tunisia in 1939.
Check the full programme to follow the sections online.