After a series of webinars and on-site workshops, the FoSaMed project announces a new online training workshop focused on MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses taking place on April 27, 2023 from 11.30am to 1pm (CEST).
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a free web-based distance learning program that is designed for large numbers of geographically dispersed students. MOOCs are important educational tools, increasingly used in the context of higher education, but they are also essential as instrument of informal and lifelong learning.
In this webinar we will explore its application in different contexts and understand how to design a MOOC. The webinar is open to all people interested in this topic.
Have a look at the agenda and register here not to miss the event!
This activity is part of the FoSaMed’s Training of Teachers (ToT) whose aim is to build capacities and to improve scientific and technical knowledge exploitable on the labour market.
About FoSaMed:
FoSaMed is a capacity-building project, co-funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme, aiming to developing a new joint Master’s programme on food safety within the curricula of 4 Moroccan Higher Education Institutions:
• Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV Hassan II)
• National School of Agriculture of Meknès (ENA)
• Ibn Tofail University (IBN)
• Mohammed I University (UMP)
FoSaMed brings together those 4 Moroccan Higher Education institutions and 3 European partners (University of Evora, University of Barcelona and UNIMED), promoting inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education on food safety.
The objectives of the FoSaMed project include to qualify Moroccan academics for modern and innovative teaching methodologies, to support Moroccan HEIs in designing a Master Programme on food safety associated to the recovery and promotion of the traditional Mediterranean diet and to short food supply chains, and to contribute to inclusive higher education, which integrates underprivileged groups, such as women, rural populations and refugees and gives them equal access to knowledge and the opportunities it brings.
The first edition of the new Master will start in October 2023. For more information, have a look here