April 28, 2015

Open Day eMEDia Project: Tampere, 29 April 2015

Press Release
Tampere (Finland) – (March 23, 2015) – The eMEDia consortium will meet at the University of Tampere on April 28-29, 2015 and organise an Open Day on Wednesday 29 April from 9.00 to 13.00 to advance working on cross-media journalism education on an Euro-Mediterranean perspective. The Open Day meeting will take place at the building Pinni A, in Paavo Koli lecture hall (A2100), University of Tampere, Finland.
The eMEDia Open Day is a public event open to academies, practitioners, students, professionals and everyone interested in journalism higher education. During the event, participants are offered the opportunity to discuss cross-media journalism education in an Euro-Mediterranean context.
eMEDia aims at contributing to the modernisation of the Higher Education sector in Tunisia through a bottom-up approach for the design and pilot of a first level professional Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism. It is an institutional cooperation project co-funded by an European Commission grant under the Tempus IV programme between December 2013 and November 2016. 
The participation to the Open Day event is free of charge. To make sure you can have a seat at the event, please confirm your participation to Auli.Harju@uta.fi by the 21st of April. In any case, participants can freely join anytime at UTA lecture hall.
Contact: Auli Harju, University of Tampere 
Phone: +358 40 190 4131
eMEDia Consortium