After the success of the events organised in the year 2018 and the inclusion of new members in the network, the Association PRIDE (Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education) is glad to announce the next events that will take place in March 2019: the second annual conference and the second training organised by the association.
In particular, the annual conference, which will be held on 28TH and 29TH March 2019 at the Vrije University in Brussels, will focus on the different features characterizing the transition period from doctoral to post-doctoral studies as well as on the supporting role of professionals in this phase of change for young researchers.
In light of the increasing responsibility that professionals have towards new researchers, some universities have already established specific career support centers. In some cases they were located in the same career centers targeted at graduates, in other cases this service was added to the preexisting offices designated for doctoral students.
The purpose of the conference is to share experiences, compare different strategies and identify transferable accompanying measures to better support the transition to postdoc.
A “Call for Best Practices and Policies” has just been launched in order to receive initiatives, best practices or policies that can contribute to achieving the goal of the conference. In order to make your contribution you are kindly requested to send a brief description of the initiative you want to present at the following e-mail address
The second major event scheduled for March 2019 is the training that will take place at the University of Luxembourg from 25th to 27th March 2019.
The training will focus on the professionalization of transferable skills by analyzing case studies, by encouraging interactive activities and by fostering open discussion.
The variety of topics will be the added value in order to conceive new training methods for skills professionalization programs.
In November 2018 the assessment of transferable skills was dealt in a webinar held by experts from the Universities of Lausanne and Düsseldorf. That registered the adhesion and interest of about 90 participants. Those who are already registered on the website of the Association can still watch the webinar at the following link
It is possible to register at the annual conference and training 2019 at the following link
Please note that participation in the training is limited, therefore the interested parties are invited to proceed as soon as possible to fill out the form.
For more information, please visit the website:
PRIDE Annual Conference 2019: From PhD to Postdoc – the Role of Professionals in Doctoral Education