On November 17th, it will take place the Public Conference “(Im)migration Representation in the Media Platforms era” organised by UNIMED, in the framework of the EUMEPLAT project, in collaboration with IOM.
The event will be held at the Associazione Stampa Estera in Rome.
To attend in presence REGISTER HERE
To attend online REGISTER HERE

About the Conference
In the last decades, im/migration has become a hot and divisive topic in European countries and at the EU-level, being at the centre of strong and heated discussion among opposite political parties and attracting the media interest and attention.
Nevertheless, the way this complex issue is portrayed by and in the traditional and new media is often not accurate, leading to disinformation and misinformation and influencing the perception of the dimension and repercussions migration has in the European societies.
Among its research tasks, the EUMEPLAT project, funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, has been studying the representation of two critical issues for the European identity, migration and gender, by analysing a vast data-set of online contents in the ten countries involved in the project, with the aim of investigating whether platformization is confirming or dismantling the existing stereotypes on these topics. A catalogue of best practices will be compiled and shared with decision-makers.
The AGENDA and more information are available here.