Start Cup Competition

The “Start Cup Competition – Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean” is a contest of entrepreneurial ideas developed by university students enrolled in one of the universities around the Mediterranean. This competition aims to encourage participating teams from universities on both shores of the Mediterranean to present innovative ideas in the field of entrepreneurship.

The initiative was launched in 2018 in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building project RESUME and is part of a series of initiatives organised by the UNIMED SubNetwork on Employability, whose objective is to promote cooperation between members on the theme of entrepreneurship and employability and to strengthen economic and social cohesion by promoting, on the one hand, cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation, and on the other hand, sustainable local development.

The Start Cup Competition is jointly organized by UNIMED and the Lebanese University, coordinator of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Employability, with the collaboration of the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the support of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – Moyen Orient.

The last and Fourth Edition of the Start Cup Competition was held at the University of Granada on March 16th, 2023 and the next one will be held during the UNIMED General Assembly 2024 (October 23 & 24), hosted by the Istanbul Aydin University.

Past Editions

4th Edition of the Start Cup Competition, 2023

The winner of the 4th edition of the Start Cup Competition is the Moroccan team from the University Ibn Tofail of Kenitra

3rd Edition of the Start Cup Competition, 2022

Youth, entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability. The awarded idea of the Start Cup Competition 2022

2nd Edition of the Start Cup Competition, 2020/2021

The “Medasins” Palestinian Business Idea is the winner of the UNIMED Start Cup Competition 2020/2021

1st Edition of the Start Cup Competition, 2018

“EasyCom” from the University of Sousse wins the international “START-CUP” competition in Messina