UNIMED General Assembly 2023

March 15, 2023 09:00 |


// Sessions streamed online _ 15 March 2023

  • Opening session and the Keynote speech, scheduled from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (CET) here
  • Sessions scheduled from 11:50 am to 01:15 pm (CET) here

About the event

The UNIMED General Assembly 2023 will be hosted by the University of Granada and will be held on March 15 & 16.

The UNIMED General Assembly represents an important yearly event where our rectors, presidents and their representatives meet to exchange views and to determine policy for UNIMED, setting the stage for a full and rich year of initiatives, activities and conferences that shape the academic calendar around the Mediterranean. At the same time, it is an opportunity to meet and to host our network with representatives of international organisations, government officials, students, influential contributors to the cultural and political spheres and representatives of NGOS.

The UNIMED Assembly will also have the ambitious goal of collecting indications and proposals in order to contribute to the work of the first Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Meeting on Higher Education that will take place in Morocco in November 2023.  

The Assembly is a two-day event, we welcome around 150 people from our member universities and institutional partnerships.

You can find more information on the dedicated page of the University of Granada’s website, available here.

Press release, March 8th, 2023