January 4, 2021

2nd Start Cup Competition on the Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean: apply now!


In the framework of the activity of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Employability, UNIMED launches a call for applications, addressed to the Mediterranean students of the UNIMED network, for the 2nd edition of the international contest “Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean”, known as “Start Cup Competition”.

This initiative is jointly organised by UNIMED and by the Lebanese University, coordinator of the UNIMED SN on Employability, with the collaboration of ETF – European Training Foundation, ITC ILO, the Internation Training Organisation of the Labour Organisation, and sponsored by AUF, Agence Universitaire Francophonie – Middle East Directorate.

The final event of the “Start Cup Competition” will take place online on April 21, 2021, during a day dedicated to entrepreneurship-students in the Mediterranean countries.

If you are a student of a UNIMED Associated University, you can find all the information on how to participate, the selection criteria and any other details of this initiative, here in the call.

For more information or/and to confirm your interest in participation, please write by the 2nd of February 2021 to start-cup.2021@ul.edu.lb. 

The winning team will be awarded with 1.000,00 euros sponsored by the AUF.