February 19, 2019

Water, Energy, Food – 5TOI EU-MED Innovation Week2019 // 11th -14th February, Tunisia


5TOI_EWS Final Conference UNIMED H2020

(Rome 19 February 2019) The 3-days event held in Tunis on 11-14th February 2019, was an exceptional networking platform for exchanging ideas, define policies, finding new solutions and business opportunities in the interrelated fields of food, water and energy – NEXUS.

The third Innovation week in Tunisia took place in the framework of the Horizon2020 funded5TOI_4EWAS project”, in which UNIMED was responsible for the creation and management of the NEXUS Think Tank, an international experts’ group providing insight and suggestion for improving the Innovation Scenario in Mediterranean countries.

The Innovation Week gathered the most relevant experts to examine strategies for a smarter and more sustainable Euro-Mediterranean development for the years to come and the event was articulated in three days.

Day 1 An eye-opening training session on H2020 new work programme 2018 – 2020. We kicked off the first day of the innovation week presenting:

  • the new work programme 2018 – 2020;
  • the corresponding call for proposals with the focus on the three foci of food, water and energy;
  • the benefits of participation for researchers and innovators from MENA Countries;
  • how to find suitable partners
  • a full insight into proposal development and/or project management
  • the main concerns for H2020 coordinators providing them with useful tips and tools.
  • Last but not least, the H2020 Financial issues with all explanations and practical examples

Day 2  The second day was another day of deep-dive debate and contribution to the identification of priorities and recommendations for decision makers of the area.

  • One session showcasing the most representative papers of the Water-Energy-Food subcommittees, followed by 5TOI_4EWAS Join Action Plan presentation and validation
  • simultaneous master classes addressing different topics that include i) Intellectual Property (RSS); ii) Horizon Europe; iii) COST actions; iv) FAB-LABS; v) The NEXUS approach; vi) Venture capital incubators and examples of success stories

Day 3 The third and final round of talks, showcase & brokerage event at the innovation week went deep into the key issues of NEXUS future challenges. It included interactive panels with international and local experts in food, water and energy sectors to set an innovation strategy for the Euro-Mediterranean area, tips to reinforcing strategic alliances, to shape new opportunities as well as to leverage synergies and enrich the NEXUS living lab ecosystem

  • The final conference saw the participation of the most important stakeholders of the EU-MED research and innovation cooperation in the NEXUS sector.
  • The showcase gave voice to Start-ups operating in the fields of water, energy & food exposing their innovative projects and products
  • B2B matchmaking activities helped to create collaboration opportunities between Experts and stakeholders/institutions/NGO/Consultants/Public Bodies.

It is possible to keep following the project updates on its website and access the photogallery of the event on the facebook page.

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