On the 31th May 2016 in Brussels took place the preparatory meeting of the “QUINTUPLE HELIX APPROACH TO TARGETED OPEN INNOVATION IN ENERGY, WATER, AGRICULTURE IN THE SOUTH MEDITERRANEAN NEIGHBORHOOD” – 5TOI_4 EWAS project – coordinated by the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona and whose UNIMED is partner.
5TOI_4EWAS, which a project under the programme of Horizion 2020, aims at stimulating the creation of a Science and Innovation Policy Dialogue Platform for a more strategic priority setting for international cooperation on water, energy and agriculture targeted specific challenges following a NEXUS and co-design and co-ownership approach in EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries.
The meeting included the participation of partners coming from Spain, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Germany.
The meeting was the right moment to establish the first contacts between the project partners and the European Commission. Prof Manuel Valente coordinator of the project stated “It is clear, that the project can reach an impact on the Mediterranean region. The partnership wants to establish a win win situation, also for the EU market, linking research, innovation and businesses. The partnership will contribute to consolidate the regional policy dialogue and advance the integration of the region. Our aims are to link and enhance the cooperation also with the ongoing initiatives currently targeting the Euro Mediterranean Region.”
The 5TOI_4 EWAS partnership will meet again on the 11th and 12th of July in Barcelona for the official kick off meeting of the project.
Further information are available here.