Women for Africa Foundation is launching the 9th call for fellowships of the program Science by Women, aimed at selecting senior African women scientists to be integrated into top research Spanish centers in the following areas: health and biomedicine, agriculture and food security, water, energy, and climatic change.
The program’s goal is to enable African women researchers to play a leading role in the transition of Africa to a knowledge-based and innovation-led economy. To achieve this ambitious goal, the Women for Africa Foundation collaborates with the Spanish Centres of Excellence, whose prestige is unanimously recognized throughout Spain and internationally, thereby ensuring excellence in scientific research in various fields.
Applications will be subjected to a rigorous selection process, evaluating the academic merits and leadership of the applicants as well as the scientific quality and expected impact of their research projects.
Selected candidates will receive training and integration in a dynamic, multidisciplinary, and highly competitive working team, where they will be able to develop their research projects and acquire complementary skills, empowering them to transfer their research results into tangible economic and social benefits.
The deadline for proposals submission is September 30, 2023.
The application form can be consulted here.
For more information visit the Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA) Website.
About the Women for Africa Foundation:
The Women for Africa Foundation is a private entity aimed at contributing to the sustainable development of Africa through the drive of its women.
For further information: science.by.women@mujeresporafrica.es
Download the call here