January 15, 2020

Algerian and European universities together in Rouen for the transition process of Algerian higher education


During the days of January 14 and 15, 2020, the representatives of the Algerian and European Universities members of the ESAGOV project – Enseignement Supérieur Algérien à l’heure de la Gouvernance universitaire, meet at the University of Rouen Normandy in France to work together on the transition process of governance in the Algerian university system. Among the key questions addressed, the Universities will debate on updating the inventory on the quality process and on the definition of an establishment project, on the action plans for the definition of an establishment project and on strengthening the skills of university leaders and staff with a view to defining the establishment project.

For more information, click here to download the agenda and here to download the University of Rouen press release.

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The ESAGOV project is coordinated by UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, and is co-financed by the Erasmus + KA2 program. In a changing Algerian political context, this project aims, among other things, to support the ongoing transition of the Algerian higher education system towards a strengthening of the governance of universities, in particular through the quality approach and the strengthening of the strategic skills of school heads and their academic and administrative staff.

 For more information, please visit the ESAGOV project website.