October 10, 2022

225 scholarships for international mobility exchange. Let’s start the seventh edition of the COMMO Project!


This year UNIMED has been granted, by the Italian National Agency INDIRE, a budget for 225 mobility scholarships distributed among Albania, Kosovo, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Syria for the 7th edition of the project COMMO, which will cover the period 2022-2025.

Supporting students in acquiring skills and abilities (such as learning new languages) to develop their academic profile and open more job opportunities; fostering a deeper understanding of the cultures of the Southern Mediterranean and the Balkans, providing University students and staff with the opportunity to create international partnerships, to participate actively in the social life of their country and to the development of a Euro Mediterranean identity are only some of the specific objectives of the COMMO project.

The COMMO (COoperation in the Mediterranean and Western Balkan through MObility of Students and Staff) project, co-funded by the European Commission and part of the KA107 of the Erasmus+ Programme, aims at contributing to the improvement of the international dimension of higher education institutions by promoting mobility experiences between the Italian universities which constitute the COMMO consortium, coordinated by UNIMED, and institutions in the Southern Mediterranean countries and the Western Balkans.

Since the setting up of the consortium in 2015, around 100 students and staff have benefited from the opportunity to spend a period abroad for studying, teaching or training purposes.

The number of scholarships together with the number of the countries involved in this edition represent an important result for UNIMED in its committment towards the students and staff mobility and towards a Mediterranean Erasmus Generation.