July 4, 2023

Cooperation and Migration Studies: Unipa organizes the final event of the MIGRANTS Project in Palermo


From 10 to 19 July, the city of Palermo will be the setting of the final stage of MIGRANTS, a Capacity Building for Higher Education Project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme and led by the University of Palermo.

The project is now entering the final stages. It has engaged European and Tunisian partners with the aim of enhancing Tunisia’s university system, its relevance in the labour market and society and its ability to respond to the challenges of migration. The creation of a joint MA in Migration Studies, now in its third edition, and a series of research and training activities on migration are the key achievements.

The event in Palermo includes three sections:

1. the Final Dissemination Event entitled “Disclosing the Migrants Project” to be held on July 10 at the Botanical Gardens of Palermo. This first day is dedicated to the dissemination of the results of the project with the contribution of all the partners, the Tunisian Universities of El Manar, La Manouba and Tunis, the Universities of Granada and Westminster and the NGOs – UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, COSPE – Cooperation for the development of emerging countries and CLEDU – the Human Rights Clinic of Palermo;

2. the Summer School “After the Last Frontiers” to be held on 11-12 July in the same location. It will consist of 2 sessions a day with keynote speakers of international relevance, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Sandro Mezzadra, Martina Tazzioli and Shahram Khosravi;

3. Job Shadowing activities and co-working organized by CLEDU in collaboration with Moltivolti and other Sicilian NGOs and organisations dealing with migration. These activities will take place between 13 and 19 July and will involve a wide range of participants from the partner universities who will have the opportunity to get to know closely the Palermo-based organisations working in the field of migration.

Disclosing the Migrants ProjectAfter the Last Frontiers and the Job Shadowing activities will represent the final stage of the Migrants project, which will officially end on 14 September 2023 with the publication of two volumes that put together the scientific contributions of the project. The first volume, edited by Serena Marcenò and Giulia Sajeva, is entitled Migrations: Governance, Policies, and Rights, the second edited by Valeria Cammarata, Federica Mazzara and Samira Mechri, is called Migrations: Socio-cultural context and Constitution. These two volumes inaugurate the new Mimesis International series called “Drift Maps“.

More information on the project are available on the official website: https://migrantsproject.eu/