December 8, 2016

EDIPUS Project – Training Activity and 3° Transnational Project Meeting


In the framework of Project EDIPUS – European Digital Portfolio for University Students funded within the ERASMUS+ Programme, KA2 – Strategic Partnership,  it will be held from December 12 to 16, in Athens the short-term training course organised for the partners’ staff in order to train them as regards to the use of the Digital Portfolio Portal and Database, the projects’ main Intellectual Outputs (O2 and O3). This event is back to back with the 3rd Transnational Project meeting held on December 15.

The aim of this short-term intensive course is to train partners’ staff so as to be able to inform target group during the multiplier events and the pilot testing as regards to the use of Digital Portfolio Portal and Database, explain the technical specifications, present ways on how to market, promote and communicate the tools developed to university students, career officers and employers in order to generate more traffic to the Portal.

Here you will find the agenda of the Training Course

About the Project

The EDIPUS Project will create a new powerful tool, namely the Digital Portfolio Portal (DPP) which will be addressing the employability needs of university students and young job seekers. The DPP, will provide students with a digital area, where they can create their own portfolio of experiences and qualifications in a creative and professional way. The DPP aims to replace the traditional CV, by offering a smarter tool to students to express themselves. The Digital Portfolio will allow students to record all their experiences and to present themselves to employers prior to an interview, thus having the chance to make a good first impression. In addition, EDIPUS will produce a Database of digital portfolios, where employers can have access and choose the right candidates for their company needs.

Project Coordinator 

European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC), Cyprus


Find out more at the Official Project website