March 4, 2016

eMEDia Training of Trainers in Tampere: “Mapping our professional identities as cross-media teachers in the age of active audiences”



In the framework of eMEDia, A Bottom-up Approach for the Design and Pilot of a Joint Masters Course in Cross-Media Journalism, the School of Communication, Media and Theatre (CMT) of University of Tampere in Finland coordinated by Auli Harju (project coordinator for eMEDia project at UTA) and Satu Seppä, hosts the second session of the Training of Trainers.

23 Tunisian university teachers (from IPSI La Manouba, University of Sousse and University of Sfax) and professionals from the Syndicate of the Tunisian Journalists of Sfax participate on March 14-18, 2016 in the second session of training  on cross-media journalism focusing on mapping our professional identities as cross-media teachers in the age of active audiences.

Professors from Tampere University through focus groups, peer discussions, collaborative laboratories and cooperative learning workshop with journalism researchers and experts from the CMT will train the participants on several topics, among them:

  1. How to educate critical and reflective journalism professionals?
  2. Making the curriculum meet the demands of the profession
  3. Profiling the profession of journalism under the light of recent research
  4. Journalists working for and with active audiences

The last day of training, on March 18, a Round table discussion is schedules, chaired by professor emeritus Tuomo Melasuo from Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) and visiting professor, journalist Rauli Virtanen from CMT, focusing on Cross-media teachers’ Nordic–Mediterranean.

Furthermore, a field trip is also organised in one of the internship newsrooms, at the newspaper Aamulehti.

Full details as well as links to the training materials can be found at