We are pleased to announce the official start of the HGRA (EnHancing manaGement and studies on migRation issues in LibyA) project, funded by the EU in the frame of the Erasmus+ Programme, Capacity Building for higher Education sub-programme. The project is coordinated by UNIMED and it involves two European Universities (Sapienza of Rome and Barcelona University in Spain) and six Libyan Universities (University of Zawia, University of Sebha, University of Tobruk, Gulf of Sidra University, University of Tripoli, Sabratha Higher Institute for Science and Technology) for a duration of three years.
The project aims to enhance management and studies on migration issues in Libya, a very critical area affecting the social and security dimension of everyday’ s life in the country. The topic is rarely addressed by the academia and faculties offering courses, trainings or research on the subject are practically non-existent. HGRA aims to strengthen the awareness of the academic community on the medium-long term effects of the crisis and build the capacities of HEIs in structuring an adequate educational offer in this regard.
The project aims to establish, in the first place, an observatory where to massively collect data and relevant information, and to use such data for developing solutions to reduce its negative effects and benefit from its advantages.
A Hub will develop policy recommendations to be addressed to key actors involved in the management of the migratory phenomenon. Focused trainings will be delivered to build the capacities of the academic staff of Libyan universities. The aim is to provide beneficiary universities with the tools to structure their own academic teaching modules in the field, suitable to train professionals to be employed in the sector.
Technical support and on-the-job training will target beneficiary universities to elaborate a tailored made teaching proposal adapted to the Libyan national context. HGRA will play a role in establishing educational programs on migration studies in the near future to address the migratory crisis locally and from its roots.
More information available here