Last 9th and 10th November 2016 the University of Evora hosted the 2nd partnership meeting of the ENROL project, Empowering and Networking the International Relationships Offices of the Libyan University System. The meeting has been the occasion for the discussion of project implementation and evaluate next steps. Representatives from UNIMED, University of Calabria, University of Évora, University of Granada, University of Misurata, University of Sirte, University of Tripoli and University of Zawia attended the meeting.
Particular attention has been dedicated to the follow up of the training activities already performed in Sousse during the month of October and to be performed in Tunisia during December 2016. The first training session was held by the University of Evora and UNIMED. The goal of the first training session is to provide the attendants with the knowledge allowing them to better understand relevant funding programmes open to non-EU countries. Not only. Thanks to the University of Evora contribution, Libyan partners were able to obtain more information about European administrative rules and good practices in this specific fields.
During this meeting all the partners set up the future training activities in EU institutions and countries and the date for the project final meeting to be held in Granada.