August 21, 2017

European Digital Portfolio for University Students: read the recent updates about this topic!


The Third Newsletter of the EDIPUS project (European Digital Portfolio for University Students) has been delivered! This issue is focused on

EDIPUS Multiplier events

Multiplier Εvents were recently organized by the project partners, European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (Coordinating Organization), the University of Piraeus and the European Students Network, in Cyprus, Greece and Belgium, respectively.
The goal of the events were to bring together students and employers to foster communication between the two sides and the uptake of the use of the EDIPUS Digital Portfolio Portal (DPP) and the corresponding data base. (Read more…)

The newly developed Database of digital portfolios, ready to be reviewed by employers 

The EDIPUS DPP has a lot of advantages but one of the main is the fact that you can include details that cannot be included in a typical curriculum vitae such as photos and videos and more over evidence for all your knowledge, competences and experiences. In the digital portfolio, students can communicate their knowledge, skills and work experience in a creative and attractive approach. The best digital portfolio could be the one that will receive a job offer without a personal interview. (Read more…)

Further information about the project are available at