In the framework of ENPI CBCMED Funding programme Future of Our Past Project – FoP – it will be held a Round Table Discussion titled Community Tourism in Historical Villages next 6 December, organised by the University of Birzeit in collaboration with UNIMED and Società Geografica Italiana Onlus.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the current and executed tourism projects in the historical places. The main focus of the Round Table will be on community tourism in rural areas, and how it can be connected to various similar projects. It also aims at introducing the outputs and results of the FoP Project and if it can be adopted by the participants. It will also discuss the various possibilities of networking by the various parties.
The agenda of the Round Table will be available soon.
Last November 16, it has been held a Round table in the framework of FoP project organised by the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport of Alexandria (Egypt)