On 22 and 23 November, UNIMED participated in the training organized by the University of Granada as part of the TUNED – Réseau tunisien pour l’employabilité et le développement des compétences des diplômés project (http: //www.tuned-project. eu /), coordinated by the Alma Laurea of Bologna.
The objective was to present and deepen partners’ knowledge of the different tools and services that universities – and especially career centers – can offer students in order to improve their employability.
During the training, UNIMED presented some good practices identified in the project RESUME – Réseau Méditerranéen pour pour l’Employabilité (https://www.resumeproject.eu/), in order to share the experience of other partners in this field.
A second training will be organized in Cyprus in June 2018 and will focus more on university / business relations.