Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) , is open to everyone. Two years work programme announces the specific areas that will be funded by Horizon 2020 and are relevant for international cooperation, particularly with non-EU Mediterranean countries.
For this purpose MedSpring project, to which UNIMED is partner, intends to facilitate the process of partnership building in specific call-topics through an ad-hoc on-line brokerage event.
MedSpring already identified actors (organization, universities, research centers, etc) interested to join partners from the EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries to develop and submit a proposal.
This announcement is addressed to all those researchers from the EU and Mediterranean Countries who are interested to build a Euro-Mediterranean partnership for responding to H2020 call-topics having a relevance for the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and closing for submission in 2015.
In order to have major information and to know how to participate, please go here: http://agora.medspring.eu/en/content/partnership-building-find-people-and-organization-h2020-calls or you can contact: agora@medspring.eu