The Erasmus Student Network International – ESN – and UNIMED are joining forces to organize a new yearly initiative called Mediterranean Student Summit, an event that seeks to bring together Higher Education students from both shores of the Mediterranean, to foster intercultural dialogue and to work together on common challenges.
The First Mediterranean Student Summit will take place on November 2nd and 3rd in Barcelona.
The event is organised by ESN and UNIMED and in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, with the financial support of the European Investment Bank Institute and under the patronage of Union for the Mediterranean.
The 2022 edition organized at the University of Barcelona premises, will hopefully pave the way for the establishment of an annual initiative focusing on students’ engagement and intercultural dialogue with students from UNIMED members.
As for UNIMED General Assembly, the Mediterranean Student Summit has the vocation to be hosted by a UNIMED member.
Objectives and expected outcomes of the Mediterranean Student Summit
The general objective of the event is to increase mutual awareness and understanding among students from the Mediterranean region and to support the development of competencies that help them to work together on societal challenges and to establish meaningful connections.
The 2022 Edition
The 2022 Edition is a pilot initiative and it has been presented during the UNIMED General Assembly in Amman, on June 2022. A call for application has been shared within UNIMED network asking the universities to make a pre-selection of candidates.
Financial support
In order to be sustainable, the funding of this event has to be participative. Several actions of fundraising have been done and commitments taken for the next edition, as for many institutions the annual 2022 budget was already defined.
For this first Edition, the Mediterranean Student Summit has benefited from financial support of the University of Barcelona and the European Investment Bank Institute, and sponsorship from universities. All European students participating in the event are sponsored by their universities for travel cost and costs of stays and the following universities are also sponsoring the participation of one student from the South: University of Barcelona, University of Girona, University of Pavia, University of Cyprus, University of Rouen-Normandy and University of Aix-Marseille. The following Southern-Mediterranean universities are also sponsoring their students: University of An-Najah, Arab American University and Libyan International medical University.
Follow the updates on the UNIMED social media in the next few days.