On March 16th and 17th 2021, it was held the online kick-off meeting of the Capacity Building project IBTIKAR: promotIng research and innovaTIon environment in the libyAn
IBTIKAR aims at increasing the production of joint high-quality research through a new class of thinkers able to cope with the local and global challenges, solving community problems and impacting on the socio-economic growth in Libya.
The meeting was opened on March 16th by the UNIMED Director, Marcello Scalisi, and by the National Erasmus Office Coordinator in Libya, Dr. Ali Bakeer and the EACEA Project Officer, Dr. Clivio Casali. The institutional greetings were followed by a speech delivered by dr. German Bernal Rios of the European Commission – Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), focused on the future trends of the new Erasmus+ program (2021-2027) and by a speech delivered by dr. Pierluigi Leone of the Polytechnic of Turin focused on renewable energies: opportunities for shared and joint research in Mediterranean.
On March 17th, the meeting was focused on the IBTIKAR Project and its activities. Representatives of all the project’s partners attended the meeting. UNIMED, coordinator of the project, the ten Libyan partner institution: University of Tripoli, University of Benghazi, Misurata University, Sebha University, Sirte University, University of Zawia, University of El Merghib, Al Asmariya Islamic University, Bani Waleed University, The University of Ajdabiya, and the three European partners: Boğaziçi University, Turkey, Università del Salento, Italy, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal, and the Libyan International Medical University, Libya, through this meeting officially launched the project.
This first meeting represented an exceptional occasion for all the partners to know each other and to share their feeling about the project. The partners discussed about the future steps and the activities to be held in order to fulfill all the project objectives.
More information can be found visiting https://www.uni-med.net/en/projects/ibtikar/