The partners of the INFOBC Project – l’INNOVATION DANS LA FORMATION POUR LES BIENS CULTURELS: Un nouveau curriculum euro-méditerranéen pour la préservation des biens culturels met in Rome on March 23 and 24 defining the progresses of the project and discussing next steps to move forward in line with the postponed end of the project foreseen on November 31, 2017.
On March 24, the Tunisian partners visited ICRCPAL Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario for the courses concerning ancient books, printed, photographical and digital documents and ISCR Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro for all the other courses such as peinted art works on wooden and textiles support, carved wood artifacts, furniture and wooden structures, manufactures and assembled/painted artifacts and synthetic materials.
Here you can download the Agenda for further information.
Further information about INFOBC Project are available at the project website: