January 12, 2023

INsPIRE final event: project legacy and sustainability


The INSPIRE project, after 4 years of implementation, arrived towards its end. To celebrate the work of the Consortium over the project timeline, a final project event was scheduled for January 11th 2023.

The final meeting was organized as a broad event. to present the project, the latest activities completed, and above all to share considerations on the potential benefits that the Project leaves to the Iraqi education system. 

The event was the occasion to present the outcomes of INSPIRE, the legacy of the project on the Iraqi Higher Education system, the sustainability of the project results.

Despite the challenges and the obstacles, the project:

  • achieved relevant results, thanks to the comprehensive capacity building action and the development of strategic plans.
  • managed to have 10 Iraqi universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad working together for years for the first time.
  • conducted a deep analysis of the Higher Education sector in Iraq, identifying needs and gaps, setting the line for future improvements.
  • opened 10 consultation centers to encourage university to dialogue with local actors and local authorities, increasing participation of non-institutional actors in the university’s activities and planning.
  • supported the Iraqi universities in the definition of a number of stategic goals for their internationalisation.
  • increased the competences of the Iraqi staff members in terms of management, quality assurance, strategic planning and more.
  • facilitated the relationships between Iraqi universities and universities in Europe, setting the basis for future long-lasting agreements, exchanges and joint initiatives.

The INsPIRE project has represented an important process of cooperation not only between Iraqi and European universities, but a significant moment of discussion among Iraqi institutions, confirming the current and crucial need to implement opportunities for mutual cooperation and dialogue between the countries of the Mediterranean.

You can read more on the INSPIRE final event here.