May 30, 2022

Interreg Euro-MED Academy: enrol to the course “Sustainable Tourism and Mobility for the Mediterranean”. The course starts on June 6th, 2022


Sustainable Tourism and Mobility for the Mediterranean

The learning program “#04_ Sustainable Tourism and Mobility for the Mediterranean” addresses jointly sustainable tourism issues during four modules and then the fifth and last one focuses specifically on sustainable mobility in tourist destinations.

The learning program on sustainable tourism and mobility will be a blended course of pre-recorded lectures, reading suggestions, interactive exercises and peer-to-peer exchanges about the future of sustainable tourism and mobility in the Mediterranean region. The program will be enriched by live-conferences with guest speakers from public authorities, who will shed some light on the ongoing trends and challenges of sustainable tourism and mobility and how they are actively working to address them. Besides, members of the Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism and Urban Transports communities will share with the participants their hands-on experience on territorial cooperation projects.

The learning program is structured in five modules of one week each, for a total of 15h of participants engagement: 4h of video contents, plus reading time, interactive exercises and working activities. Beside the courses, there will be live-conferences with guest speakers to facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges and networking.


Who should attend

A more inclusive and sustainable future in the Mediterranean will be built by the involvement of different stakeholders who share the same values, vision and willingness to build a better future, or as we like to call them: “Next Generation Mediterranean Leaders of Inclusive and Sustainable Development.”

As tourism is a cross-cutting economic sector the learning programme is most suitable for regional and local public authorities, destination management organisations, local public transport authorities, investors in new mobility services, practitioners of the blue economy, community-based associations and NGOs, social entrepreneurs, edutainment companies and whoever might wish to be engaged in this sector.

We recommend the participation of mid-level career experts, civil servants and entrepreneurs to fully benefit from the exchanges and the hands-on experiences of destinations embarking on addressing challenges to sustainability, overtourism and climate change. However, early career professionals can surely benefit from a unique opportunity to become part of a community of practice and to bring to the module a fresh look and enrich the exchanges.

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About the Interreg Euro-MED Academy

The Interreg Euro-MED Academy is the result of the spontaneous collaboration between the eight Thematic Communities (Blue Growth, Green Growth, Social & Creative, Efficient Buildings, Renewable Energy, Urban Transports, Sustainable Tourism, Biodiversity Protection) and PANORAMED, the governance platform, with the support of the Interreg MED Programme’s Joint Secretariat and the coordination of UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union (communication lead partner of Sustainable Tourism and Urban Transports Communities). More than 10 organisations have been actively co-developing for almost a year at this initiative as a way to adapt and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

Discover more on the Interreg Euro-MED Academy