July 5, 2014

MedSpring project:Training on H2020 for Mediterranean NCPs and researchers”, Marrakesh June 11-13


MEDSPRING project (where UNIMED is partner) organized the “Training on H2020 for Mediterranean NCPs, research managers and researchers” in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 11th to 13th June 2014

The event is the second one planned in the frame of the Capacity Building programme set by MedSpring on the new EU research framework programme Horizon2020.
The workshop drew on the training needs analysis, which was previously carried out by MedSpring and – most important – on inputs and suggestions provided by Mediterranean National Contact and Focal Points who participated in the training workshop in Amman last December 2013, which was also dedicated to H2020.

The training targeted researchers and research managers/co-ordinators/administrators of public institutions in the MPCs as well as research affiliated entrepreneurs from the participating MPCs.

The workshop deliberately wanted to bring researchers and administrators together in order to increase awareness of their roles and interdependencies in securing reliable project participation and management. The training was structured on a three days setting.

Dr. Raniero Chelli, EU project coordinator for UNIMED, contributed to the training session of June 12, by delivering a training on “Training workshop on project management and implementation”.

Please find the event rationale and agenda here , and the direct link in order to see the videos here