Under the umbrella of the ON-IT project, a new report on “Guidelines for the implementation of effective online internship in Higher Education” is now available.
The ON-IT Guidelines define procedures for ensuring the quality of online internships based on desk and field research. The process for the definition of Guidelines includes:
- Literature review, including both scientific articles and policy documents
- Analysis and crossing of data with O1’s field research
- Formulation of a first draft of the process
- Consultation with an expert audience (e.g., supervisors, former interns, support services representatives, counsellors, etc.)
- Revision of the process according to the feedback and delivery of the final Guidelines for piloting (O3)
The document is organised as follows:
- Chapter 2 defines words and meanings according to previous research and identifies a) characteristics of internships in higher education; b) challenges and advantages of online internships as identified by previous research.
- Chapter 3 investigates available reference frameworks for quality internships.
- Chapter 4 crosses the key elements/criteria with running processes at the universities of the consortium and with data provided by respondents to the O1’s survey/interviews.
- Chapter 5 defines the framework for the internship of the ON-IT project for consultation with experts.
- Chapter 6 reports the consultation process, highlights revisions, and provides the final ON-IT Guidelines for the following piloting phase.
About the ON-IT project
The ON-IT – Online Internship in Tourism project aims to develop a guidance framework and practical tools to design and implement quality online tourism internships in higher education. By actively engaging all actors involved in the internship experience, the ON-IT project focuses on equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to face the challenges of digital transformation in the labour market.
The ON-IT project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, and implemented by a consortium led by the University of Macerata (Italy) and including: University of La Laguna (Spain); JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland); Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the University of Rijeka (Croatia); Montpellier Business School (France); Mediterranean Universities Union – UNIMED (Italy); and IGCAT (Spain).