The issue of Safety and Security of Critical Infrastructures is increasingly taking a crucial importance for local developments, including its relation to social and environmental issues. The sector is also gaining importance in research and cooperation in international and community programming, and there is a need for a growth of international exchanges in the field and the circulation of good practices. That is why we firmly believed it was time for the SubNetwork to come alive!
The recently launched SubNetwork on Safety and Security of Critical Infrastructures has organized its first webinar on October 28, 2020, titled Opening the conversation on Critical Infrastructures in the Med. Riding on the wave of the enthusiasm of our Associated Universities towards the topic, UNIMED in collaboration with the SubNetwork Coordinator the University of Salento, invited all members to take part in the online event to know each other, learn more on what Universities do in the field of Critical Infrastructures in the Med and jointly discuss the SubNetwork action plan for the upcoming months.
During the webinar, the University of Salento shared a proposed set of activities for the SubNetwork, from developing a catalogue of resources to drafting a joint publication, from cooperation projects to virtual mobility, from the organization of thematic webinars to social media animation. To start, SubNetwork members will work on a common understanding and definition of Critical Infrastructures in the Med region, and later move towards setting common goals and implementing joint initiatives.