The pursuit of the sustainable development objectives set out in the 2030 Agenda is a common goal for European Institutions, in particular for higher education institutions whose mission is training young people and promoting civic education of future leaders, entrepreneurs and citizens of the world.
A new cooperation project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission has kicked off in February 2023, with the long-term objective of supporting and enhancing the implementation of SDGs in higher education by embedding sustainability across teaching, research, operations, and community outreach.
The project “Engaging SDGs for Transformative Education and Enhanced Sustainability in Universities (SDG4U)” is led by the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, joinlty with other project partners as University College Cork, University of Murcia, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, the American college of Greece and Panteion University.
SDG4U key priority is to stimulate innovative learning and teaching practices through engaging SDGs to transformative education and sustainability practices in universities.
More specifically, the project tackles the following goals:
- Identifying modules/courses that include SDGs in existing academic material
- Creating a mapping tool for SDGs in Higher Education
- Developing initiatives on SDG mapping tools and standardizing good sustainability practices
- Shaping potential modules to be included in existing/new courses to educate students on SDGs implementation
- Creating pedagogical material for a seminar and training SDG facilitators
- Enhancing the participation of ‘learners’ in the decision-making processes
The project is another milestone in the activities of UNIMED, which for years has engaged its members in activities aimed at improving educational systems and introducing innovative practices in Higher Education, as well as pursuing the main objectives of sustainable development.
To know more about the initiatives of UNIMED in the field of sustainable development you can consult our dedicated page here.