May 2, 2018

Re-connecting tourism: promoting evidence-based policies for sustainable development // 29-30 May 2018, Rome


The MED Sustainable Tourism Community is organising the international conference “Re-connecting tourism: promoting evidence-based policies for sustainable development” on the 29th-30th May 2018 at the UNINT University in Rome.


Register here 

After more than one year and a half since its beginning, our Community has gathered the first results from their pilot actions, tests and studies. The BlueTourMed project, who is coordinating the joint actions of the Community, has therefore decided to organize the first public event to capitalize on this precious knowledge capital.

The focus of this conference is on promoting evidence-based policies and management strategies because the 18 transregional projects of our Community are actively monitoring tourism pressures, designing and testing innovative management and planning strategies so they can feed the policy-making process with precious knowledge and data.

The conference will try to answer two key questions underlying the whole tourism sector in the Mediterranean and even beyond:

  1. What do we need to know to design better policies for sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean coastal area?
  2. How can we manage environmental-cultural-social impacts of tourism while keeping this industry growing?

Projects representatives, external experts, and tourism sector stakeholders will present the results of their work, put forward their recommendations and even challenge each other in moderated discussions divided in three main topical panels and an open debate.

Panel 1 – EVIDENCES FOR BETTER POLICIES: monitoring the sustainability of tourism to inform the policy-making process

Panel 2 – BEYOND THE SEA-SAND-SUN MODEL: an integrated vision of tourism pressure to support territorial development strategies

Panel 3 – WHAT SHOULD WE CHANGE? Innovative management and planning strategies for sustainable tourism

High Level Roundtable – WHEN IS TOURISM REALLY WELCOME? Political and economic solutions to make tourism sustainable

The original article is available here.