March 28, 2024

SAHA: the Final Conference in Benghazi


On April 28-29, 2024, the project SAHA – raiSe libyAn Higher education Health sector for the benefit of local society will celebrate its results during the Final Conference in Benghazi, hosted by the Libyan International Medical University. 

The SAHA project worked over the past 3 and a half years to contribute to the modernization of the healthcare systems in Libya. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and saw the involvement of 11 partners, 4 European universities, UNIMED and 6 Libyan universities. 

Health, academic research and institutional stabilization are the three project pillars. SAHA intended to contribute to the stabilization process of the country, where the ongoing conflict is causing increased health needs for the whole population. This contribution is made possible through the involvement and commitment of Libyan Universities that worked to strengthen the educational response to public health (one of the country’s challenges), upgrading the quality of the existing courses and launching a new Master in Healthcare management.

After an intensive training programme and two training weeks (hosted by the University of Granada in May 2022 and by the University of Pavia in September 2022), the staff at Libyan universities was fully equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to design and deliver the new Master, which is now in its second semester already.

During the public event at the LIMU premises, the University of Pavia, coordinator of the project, jointly with all the SAHA Partners, will present the main challenges but also the main achievements reached in these years of intense collaboration, highlighting the full potential of projects like SAHA to generate an impact in the country.