May 22, 2019

Save the date: Summer Camp in Palestine at Birzeit University, 8-18 July 2019 // Apply by June 30th, 2019


(Rome, 22 May 2019) The Birzeit University, a UNIMED associate from Palestine, is offering the possibility to get to know some insights on what life is like at its campus and more generally in Palestine through an international volunteers program.

The camp will take place on July 8th to the 18th in Birzeit University’s campus, which sits on the outskirts of the city of Birzeit, on a hill overlooking a series of peaks that spread toward the Mediterranean.

Since 1981, in fact, the University has been opening its doors to the world, providing real-life experience about the culture of Palestine, the country’s values, folklore and other interesting features.

The camp is a 10-days program, where volunteers will gain on-the-ground experience and understanding on life-changing work projects that will be conducted in Palestinian schools, municipalities, and civil society organizations. During their stay the selected participants will get the chance to visit Palestinian cities, villages, refugee camps, and other Palestinian universities.


Highly motivated students from all nationalities and backgrounds who want to explore Palestine, its culture and folklore are welcomed to apply by the deadline of the 30th June 2019

For further information about the camp and the application process, please visit the Birzeit University website


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