June 14, 2023

Sport education and social inclusion in a transitioning world: the 16th ENSE Forum 2023 in Rome


The University of Rome “Foro Italico” and the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE), with the collaboration of UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, will host the 16th ENSE Forum in Rome on the 21st-22nd September 2023.

This year, the Forum will be held under the theme “Sport Education for Sustainable Development: the Euro-Med perspective”.

The Forum will offer a space of reflection and discussion on the current societal and educational challenges facing Europe and the broader Mediterranean basin. In particular, the event will focus on the role of sport education in a transitioning world and tackle issues such as social cohesion and intercultural dialogue, sustainability, coach education, and digital education in sport. Besides panel discussions and keynote presentations, the Forum will also include interactive sessions and social activities.

Sport represents an integral part of people’s lives, being vital to the holistic development of individuals of all age. Sport brings people together, builds community cohesion, grows social inclusion and disseminates values of mutual respect for human rights, cultural diversity and different religious beliefs.

Sport and a regular practice of physical activity are critical to improve citizens’ physical and mental health, preventing unhealthy conditions and the likelihood of diseases. Sport and physical activity also impact on local and global economy, employ millions of citizens and generate a huge amount of revenue.

UNIMED, with its SubNetwork on Sport and Physical activity, endorses the cooperation among its members and partners to share learning, identify common themes and explore collaborative opportunities related to this field.

In addition to that, sustainable development is a growing priority which UNIMED is strongly committed to pursue. For these reasons, UNIMED is honoured to support the organisation of the event and contribute with its Euro-Med perspective.

More details on the 16th ENSE Forum will be released in the coming weeks, including the call for submissions and programme details. In the meantime, if you are interested in more information about presenting or participating in the Forum, you can reach out to info@sporteducation.eu