February 3, 2023

START CUP COMPETITION 2023 – “Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean”. Expression of interest by February 9th, 2023


The Application call for the 4th edition of the Start Cup Competition is online!

The Start Cup Competition, the international contest on “Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean”,now at its 4th edition, is jointly organized by UNIMED and the Lebanese University, coordinator of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Employability, with the collaboration of the University Agency of la Francophonie – Moyen Orient, the European Training Foundation (ETF) and University of Granada, Spain.

It will take place on March 15 and 16 at the University of Granada, during the UNIMED General Assembly.

The event is a competition of innovative entrepreneurial ideas developed by university students enrolled in one of the universities around the Mediterranean.

The first edition of the Start Cup Competition took place in Messina in September 2018 in the framework of the RESUME project (https://www.resumeproject.eu/) and it is now become a yearly activity of the UNIMED SubNetwork on Employability.

The announcement of the competition with all the eligibility criteria to apply is available here.

Expression of interest should be sent by February 9th, 2023 to start.cup@ul.edu.lb.

The winning team will be awarded with 1.000,00 euros sponsored by the AUF Middle East.