May 29, 2023

Strengthening collaborations and further planning UNIMED activities: the UNIMED newly elected President in Rome for her first institutional visit


Two days of institutional meetings in Rome on May 25th and 26th, 2023 for the UNIMED newly elected President, Dr. Kherieh Rassas. Dr. Rassas, the first woman covering this role in UNIMED, is the Vice President for International and External Affairs at An-Najah National University (Palestine) since 2007 and a Board Member of An-Najah National University Hospital.

Aiming at strengthening the relations and the collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, on May 25th, Dr. Kherieh Rassas, together with the UNIMED Director, Marcello Scalisi, met with Giuliana del Papa and Andrea Benzo from the Analysis and Planning Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

On the same morning, the UNIMED President and Director were welcomed at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) premises to seal their long-lasting and fruitful collaboration through the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding.

Conscious of the need for closer cooperation in matters of common interest, and desirous of further enhancing and strengthening such cooperation, Dr. Rassas and Laurence Hart, IOM Director, committed themselves to act in close collaboration and hold consultations on all matters of common concern. 

The afternoon was marked by the meeting with the Palestinian Ambassador in Rome, HE Abeer Oder, and the meeting with the Rector of Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Antonella Polimeni, the Vice Rector Prof. Giuseppe Ciccarone and the Delegate Prof. Carlo Giovanni Cereti.

On the second day, the President attended a meeting with the Director of Internationalisation of the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Gianluigi Consoli, and the Director of the Office for the Internationalization of Research, Dr. Michele Mazzola.

The morning was enriched by a meeting with the Rector of the International Telematic University – UNINETTUNO, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, and the Delegate Nicola Paravati, followed by a meeting with the Italian members of the UNIMED Board of Directors and namely Germana Giombini from the University of Urbino, Carlo Giovanni Cereti from the Sapienza University of Rome, Francisco Matte Bon, former UNIMED President and President of the International University of Rome – UNINT and Nicola Paravati from the International Telematic University – UNINETTUNO.

During the two-day visit, the President also discussed further the strategic planning of the association activities with the UNIMED Director, and met with the UNIMED staff to share ideas and thoughts.

The President and the entire UNIMED staff are ready for a new path together.

In the picture Palazzo Baleani, owned by Sapienza University of Rome and hosting UNIMED headquarters in Rome. Source of the image