December 13, 2022

The 7th edition of the UNIMED WEEK IN BRUSSELS has concluded: presentations available


The three-day event of the 7th edition of our UNIMED Week in Brussels has come to an end.

This year the UNIMED WEEK in Brussels was held from 15th to 17th November and has been a great success in terms of  participation and active collaboration. More than 150 participants from around 15 countries took part in the event, both onsite and online, and animated the debate on our Mediterranean community.

24 remarkable speakers enriched the event sharing their enlightening insights from a variety of perspectives: 5 DGs of the European Commission (EAC, NEAR, RTD, HOME, INTPA), the European External Action Service and the European Parliament, international organisations such as the NATO, ETF, UNHCR, EUA, AUF and ESN, the Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways and UNIMED’s partners and member universities focused on the needs and expectations of the Mediterranean academic community.

Different topics have been tackled, such as the opportunities for Higher Education in the Euro-Mediterranean region, the academic cooperation in crisis contexts, the principles and values in international R&I cooperation, the available opportunities in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and the role of Higher Education Institutions for the inclusion of refugees and migrants.

We also had the chance to have a meeting at NATO Headquarters to discuss the cooperation between NATO and UNIMED, which will soon be officially marked by the launch of a new UNIMED SubNetwork on Peace and Security.

Finally, our Euro-Mediterranean Universities met the European Parliament to focus on how to improve the involvement of the Southern Mediterranean countries in the mobility programmes in order to contribute to strengthen and build the Mediterranean Generation.

You can have a look at the presentations of our speakers here.