February 26, 2016

The FOP project about to open the “scattered” hotel in Bethlehem


The ENPI CBCMED “Future of our past” (FOP) project is moving forward in the rehabilitation and conditioning of houses and rooms in Bethlehem in order to open soon the scattered hotel in Bethlehem.

A scattered hotel is a concept initially developed in Italy where rooms are not located within one single building but spread in different buildings within the town, sometimes it will be a full house available, sometimes some rooms in a family house. A unified management is a key requirement for scattered hotels, and in Bethlehem it will be the Bethlehem Tourist Information Center who will host the reception and welcome center.

Staying in a scattered hotel is a more original way to discover a city or town, allowing the traveler to immerse in the local culture, food and attractions and, in particular, a very authentic way to discover the Mediterranean towns.

Find out more at the news published by the ENPI CBCMED website on this project.

The FOP Project  

The FOP (Future of our Past) project aims at developing an innovative tourism plan model for cultural and environmental heritage. Some selected sites in Italy (Lazio, Basilicata, Campania), Spain (Córdoba), Malta (La Valletta), Egypt, Palestine (Bethlehem), Tunisia (Mahdia) and Lebanon (Byblos) will become part of a cross-border network of historical centers in order to mutually strengthen their visibility in the tourism sector. Through the enhancement of these centres, touristic diversification and de-seasonalisation, and the positioning on broader market segments, the concerned local economies will be boosted and further developed.

In addition, a widespread hospitality will also be implemented in Palestine in order to stimulate tourism in specific locations with new itineraries including old towns that, despite their value, have never been fully exploited.

For further information, please visit the FOP website at www.futureourpast.eu or download the leaflet of the project at: http://www.futureourpast.eu/en/downloaden/

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