September 8, 2021

The series of thematic webinars on Critical Infrastructures continues. September 14th 2021 was on Health Infrastructures and pandemic management.


On September 14th 2021, the  UNIMED SubNetwork on Safety and Security of Critical Infrastructures  organized its third  thematic webinar on  Health Infrastructures and pandemic management, Integrated perspectives for managing secure and resilient critical entities . The event took place online from 15.00 to 17.30 CEST.

The topic is of utmost importance in the recent times and encompasses criticalities at global level . Health infrastructure provides communities and states the capacity to prevent disease, promote health, and prepare for and respond to both acute (emergency) threats and chronic (ongoing) challenges to health. Infrastructure is the foundation for planning, delivering, evaluating, and improving public health. All health services depend on the presence of basic infrastructures.

Representatives of the member Universities, and a number of external stakeholders shared experiences and key instruments to manage health infrastructures, contact tracking, secure health databases, risks and resilience of integrated health systems, and so on. The webinar hosted also an  institutional speaker, the Assessors of the Health services at the Apulian regional health infrastructure in Italy, which presented the actions put in place in the region to manage the criticalities of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years. While a strong infrastructure depends on many organizations, public health agencies are considered primary players to support the implementation of public health programs and policies and to respond to health threats, including those from other countries.

The webinar was an interesting occasion to hear the different success stories related to the recend pandemic, and the instruments put in place to secure health infrastructures and manage the risks related to the COVID-19 crisis. We talked about risks management, the importance of resilience, the relevance of preparediness, the multi-dependency and interconnections related to infrastructues and much more . All in all, the speakers put on the table multiple approaches, practices and different perspectives to manage the risks related to Health infrastructures and the recent pandemic situation.

The final  Agenda  of the webinar on Health Infrastructures and pandemic management is available  here , while the recording of the session is below.


The speakers of the first session used PPT during their presentations, which stay for your further reference here:

The second session with stakeholders focused on the experience in different countries and different realities (provate and public). First we heard about the Libyan case, how authorities are managing the vaccination campaign and how people are reacting. Management of resources is strongly related to the reponse of the community, and responsibility is a crucial element. To present the Libyan case was Salma Bukhatwa, from the Lybian International Medical University.

Then, the conversation moved back to Italy, with a number of experiences from the private sectors with Risk and Security manager, consultant and advisor.  The session was also animated by a few slides, which are here below for our consultation:


For further information about the SubNetwork, please check the  SubNetwork webpage  and reach out to us.