On 12th October 2022 / 14:30-16:00 / NECSTour in the framework of the Sustainable Tourism Community is organising an online workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities dedicated to the transition towards a smarter and greener Sustainable Tourism Ecosystem in the Mediterranean.
Register here until 30th September
This workshop aims to foster dialogue on the transition towards a greener and more digital sustainable tourism, with a focus on the Mediterranean basin and the concrete case study of the Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism:
- What are European decision-makers expecting to happen in the European regions?
- Can the experience of the Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism be considered a case study, an example to be replicated elsewhere?
- What do the stakeholders need to be supported in this transition?
The panellists will debate these aspects, with a view to drafting proposals. Participants will hear success stories with concrete examples of Digital and Green Tourism and of how this contributes to sustainable and balanced growth in the Mediterranean region.
_Cristina Nuñez, Director, NECSTour, Network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism
_Jose Francisco Rodriguez Lopez, Responsible for International Relations, Tourism Department, Barcelona Provincial Council
_Tim Fairhurst, Secretary General, ETOA – European Tourism Association
_Elena Kountoura, Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Transport and Tourism, European Parliament
_Laura Hagemann Arellano, Policy Officer – Territorial and urban development policy, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)
_Eugenio Giani, President of the Toscana Region, Member of the Committee of Regions, Committee of Regions / Tuscany Regional Governent
Format: Workshop
Theme: Green Transition
Note! To register to the sessions you need first to sign in with your EU Login or create an account and then to complete your personal profile. To register to this session: Go to the tab ONLINE Programme, find the session (The Transition Towards a Smarter and Greener Sustainable Tourism Ecosystem in the Mediterranean ONLINE – 12WS22466) and click the button “Add to my schedule” for participating remotely.
Register here until 30th September
About the MED Sustainable Tourism Community
The MED Sustainable Tourism community is an Interreg MED Programme initiative coordinated by DIBA – Barcelona Provincial Council (Barcelona, Spain) in partnership with UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union(Rome, Italy), University of Thessaly (Thessaly, Greece), NECSTour – Network of European Regions or Sustainable and Competitive Tourism (Brussels, Belgium), Plan Bleu UNEP MAP, the Regional Activity Centre of Mediterranean Action Plan (Marseille, France), Adriatic and Ionian Euroregion (Pula, Croatia), RDA Green Karst Regional Development Agency (Pivka, Slovenia).
More information here