(Rome. 2 May 2019) On the occasion of the 9th International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA 2019), which took place at the Lebanese International University (LIU) from 8 to 11 April 2019, the UNIMED SubNetwork for Employability organised a workshop for deans, vice deans and directors on the theme of “Learning for Employability”.
The object of this workshop was to determine the levers of employability and to stimulate the responsibility of the university with regard to this topic.
During this day of 8 April 2019, the working team composed of Prof Hmaid Ben Aziza, Secretary General of UNIMED, Prof. Sélim Mekdessi, Dean of the Lebanese University and Prof Amel HAMROUNI, of the University of Sousse and coordinator for the development of a course in entrepreneurship in the project RESUME, presented the results of the project. It should be recalled that the RESUME project (2016-2018) has improved and strengthened the role and potential of HEIs for employability development in Mediterranean countries.
Workshops in groups helped to fuel strategic thinking on the theme of the entrepreneurial university and to provide participants with in-depth technical training.
The International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education is an annual forum for scientists, researchers and experts to present their latest research, findings, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of quality assurance in Higher Education. Tutorials on topical issues and round tables on new trends in quality assurance in higher education are discussed.
To know more on the Workshop organised by the SubNetwork on Employability consult the programme here and to find out more on the 9th edition of the International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, please visit here.
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