May 22, 2018

The UNIMED SubNetworks are up and running!


During the last few years, UNIMED has encouraged the establishment of second-level networks focused on specific fields: the so-called SubNetworks. Purpose of the SubNetworks is to bring together research centres, university departments, faculties, academics and researchers that work in the selected fields, in order to favour scientific cooperation, the exchange of experiences and information, the strengthening of existing partnerships and the establishment of new collaborations.

The overall aim of the SubNetworks is to support the economic and social cohesion in the Euro-Mediterranean region, in order to promote on the one side cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation and, on the other side, local sustainable development.

The activities of the SubNetworks intend to increase the cooperation among European and Mediterranean universities, promote the development and harmonization of their educational systems, in order to encourage, among others, the reforms of the Bologna Process and the modernization of the higher education systems in the Mediterranean.

UNIMED has currently established the following SubNetworks:

Additional SubNetworks will be soon relaunched:

Shall you be interested in joining one of the UNIMED SubNetwork, have more information or share an initiative, do not hesitate to contact us at