In the framework of the EuNIT project, a research training session has been carried out at UNIMED premises over four days (21-24 November 2017) with staff members from the Zawia University (Lybia) and the Université de Saint Joseph (Lebanon).
The training session was the opportunity to expand their knowledge regarding different European programmes and how their countries can participate in European-funded projects. The participants will be future trainers: the acquired competences will be transferred to collegues within their home institution, in turn contributing to increase the opportunities of international cooperation for the country.
The first part of the training focused on the H2020 programme, its priorities, the opportunities open for Lybia and Lebanon and how to design an H2020 project proposal. The second part of the training was instead focused on the E+ programme, in particular on Capacity Bulding projects. After an overview on the key aspects of CB in the field of Higher Education, participants were asked to start from the national and regional priorities for HE in order to define their own proposal.
An hands-on session on how to write a project proposal, starting from the requirements of the e-form and the logical framework, concluded the 4-days training. This last session was very appreciated by the attendees, who could measure themselves with the actual challenges of transforming an idea into a cooperation project.
The session was recorded and will be a part of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for HEI staff who wish to learn more about project design & management in the field of European projects, higher education projects, and Mediterranean regional cooperation.
The MOOC will be available on the EuNIT project website in 2018.